March 18, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes

Sullivan County Funding Corporation
One Cablevision Center
Ferndale, New York 12734
(845) 295-2603 — telephone
(845) 295-2604 — fax 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 

I.         CALL TO ORDER

Secretary Sykes called to order the special meeting of the Sullivan County Funding Corporation at approximately 9:50 A.M., held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.


            Members Present-                              Members Absent-

Edward Sykes                                       none

Charles Barbuti

Suzanne Loughlin

Steve White

Sandy Shaddock

Sean Rieber

Ira Steingart (arrived 9:52 am)


            Staff Present-                                             Staff Absent-

            Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Dir.               None

            Jen Flad, VP

Others Present-

Allan Scott, IDA CEO, ALSCO Management Inc.

Walter Garigliano, Garigliano Law Offices

Cora Edwards, SC Legislature

Gene Benson, SC Legislature

Not all attendees were present for the entire meeting.



Secretary Sykes asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2014 special meeting.  Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the minutes.  Ms. Loughlin seconded the motion, the Board voted, and the minutes were unanimously approved.


            Mr. Rieber made a motion to approve the schedule of payments.        The motion was seconded by Ms. Shaddock, the Board voted and          the schedule of payments was unanimously approved.  With respect           to the transfer of the CCE Building, Attorney Garigliano advised that      SCFC will receive a bill for the recording fees and that CCE-SC will reimburse SCFC for this expense as well as legal fees charged by           Harris Beach, PLLC.  He continued that Barbara Garigliano has   donated her time on this project.  Board members expressed their     appreciation.


            Ms. Brylinski stated that the business before the Board today consists of review and approval of various documents and policies, as required by the NYS Authorities Budget Office for reporting in the Public Authorities Reporting Information System (PARIS).

The first item is the annual review and approval of SCFC Officers and Committee Members.  Given that there are still two vacancies on the SCFC Board, she advised that the Board table this item until the vacancies are filled and new officers and committee members are chosen, if necessary.  The Board agreed. Ms. Brylinski is currently filing PARIS reports for 2013, so there is no need to review and approve 2014 officers and committee members at this point.

Next, the SCFC Board must conduct its annual review and approval of SCFC disposition of real property guidelines, investment policy and procurement policy.  These were approved when the SCFC was formed.  She asked if these items are still acceptable to the Board.  All agreed that they are.  Mr. Sykes asked whether SCFC staff has any difficulty with any of the policies, and Ms. Brylinski answered no, they are acceptable to staff.

Next, the SCFC Board must conduct its annual review and approval of its mission statement and performance measurements.  She read the performance measurement questions: Have the board members acknowledged that they have read and understood the mission statement? Do the Board members affirm its membership, board, committee, and management structure?   Has the Agency complied with the Public Authorities Accountability Act?  Does the Agency conduct business in an environment that fosters transparency? Does the Agency install and uphold high ethical conduct within the entire organization?  The members agreed that the answer to each of these questions is yes.  Ms. Brylinski stated that she can now advise ABO that the mission statement and performance measurements have been reviewed and approved.

Ms. Brylinski advised that the ABO requires that the Board conduct a review and discussion of SCFC Board self evaluation forms.  This can be done in private session under the law.  Board members had received and reviewed the summary of responses to the self evaluation forms, and felt that no discussion was necessary as the responses are largely the same as last year.

Mr. Barbuti inquired about the possibility of setting up an internal website for Board members to review documents and other information.  Ms. Brylinski advised that office staff is working to upgrade their computers’ operating systems, and that we will work on the new website once the upgrade is complete.           

Chairman Steingart advised that the County Legislature has tallied the votes on the two new IDA Board members, who will likely be appointed to the SCFC Board as well.  The top vote-getters are Howard Siegel and Carol Roig.  The vote is expected to be confirmed by the Legislature on March 20.

Chairman Steingart then updated the Board on recent developments with respect to the Apollo Plaza property.  The property transfer from the County of Sullivan to SCFC took place on February 28, 2014.  There was discussion of who is responsible for utility and insurance bills.  Board members felt that SCFC should not be responsible for any bills.

The prospective buyer, Sullivan Property Acquisitions I, LLC, must take action on the option by March 31, 2014.  The buyer can either exercise the option to purchase, with a $60,000 contract deposit, or extend the option for six months with a payment of $50,000.


Chairman Steingart questioned the Board and those present if there were any questions or comments.  There being none, on a motion by Mr. Barbuti, seconded by Mr. Rieber, the Board voted and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:02 A.M.


Respectfully submitted:

Jen Flad

VP, Business Development


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